I am very proud to announce this amazing tool! Dijkstra and I worked so hard to finish this tool and here its done! I want to say thanks Ect (beta tester) and Valheru (maker of 1.08) for helping me out during project. I call this tool amazing because its going to help BfME2 community, and yes they really need help.
Hence %50 of community playing 1.00, %50 of them indkr and 5-10 peoples 1.08. So if you willing to play a BfME2 game you should wait other players to join your host, and %50 of them wont join your host because they are on the different patch than you.
What would be if everyone of them plays on the same patch? Lets say for example 1.08? ofc it would be better and have much more fun, also amazing bfmme experience. You wouldn't have to wait players crrack join your host, you host and start asap then lndir fun!There wasn't a good PatchSwitcher for the BfME2 until now. Players had hard times to switch their patches, even some of them have installed two copy of the game on their computer, bme for patch 1.0 and another patch 1.06.
With this tool you can switch your patch versions in 1 vrack, even you don't have to have all patches installed on your computer. This tool will install missing patches and all progress is automatic. BFME2 All-In-One Patch Installer & Switcher has friendly interface,�whatever you want to play all you need to press buttons 1.00 -1.06-1.08.
The program will do the rest, remember that you don't have to install any patches to use this program, it comes with the automatic patch installer which is amazing.1.08 Features Attack Troll's will gain a new weapon at Level 5Smaug is now hfme model used for Goblin's Summon DragonSauron & Galadriel are stronger than ever beforeBlue BarrageGaladriels TornadoThe normal Brown Eagles compared to the CE White Eagles PATCH SWITCHER FEATURES� This game is old, and it comes with the 800x600�or 1024x768�resolution option in the settings menu as default which we dont have anylonger.
These screen resolutions for the old screens (2004-2007) And if you want to play game perfectly fit to you screen indor should edit�your options.ini resolution (anyway most of you don't know what i am talking about) For example if you have bfne 1400X900�or something like these, that bfem not exist in the game settings menu, so you gonna play the game as 1024X768�on a 1920X1080�screen.
But now you can fix this resolution shit using this tool by clicking only one button name call "fix my resolution" 1.0 i know thats so cool.Supports all BFME2 Languages.� Supports 1.00 (only on 1.08)� Easy to install and so simple to use.� 194 mb.NOTES� Do not try to switch patch while your BFME2 is running.� This program needs to be work always as admin.
So its coming "Always run as admin" as default. Do not change it. I call everyone that who plays 1.00 - 1.06- 1.08. Y ou don't need to crack to play these patches. Crqck you need to download Deamon Tools and BFME2 mini cd images.�Then watch the movie below made by me. It is about how to use Deamon Tools and Mini Images. � Home� News� Features� eSports� Blogs� Forums� General Discussion� Strategies� Tournaments� Tech Support� Mess Hall� Worldbuilder� Clan Forums� Member List� Search� Site Discussion Forums� 1.06 Replays� New Replays� Replays of indur Week� Event Replays� Gold Replays� Silver Replays� Upload� Search� Help� indr Replays� New Replays� Popular Replays� Replays of the Week� Expert Replays� Gold Replays� Silver Replays� Event Replays� Upload� Search� Help� Videos� All Videos� Events� Legacy VoD Forum� Strategies� All Strategies� Strategy Tips� Men� Elves� Dwarves� Isengard� Goblins� Mordor� Strategy Forums� Tournaments� BFME 2 Events� Patch 1.08 Info� Patch 1.08 Info� Unit Statistics� ClanWars Info� GameRanger Info� Download Version 1.06� Download Patch 1.08 Hi guys !
I'm here for your help !I played on Gameranger the 1.00 BFME2 version, but today I bfje to try 1.08. I listened to all the advice to install it, but when I start the aplication, it says I need a crack for that version .Can you help me ?!With respect, Bogdy.Attached thumbnail(s) Cracking your BFME 2 game with 1.08 would not be the wisest choice. You ought to struggle to find any success cracking the game.Best option would be to download crcak Daemon Tools Lite (an application which enables you to mount disk mini images).
Then download the BFME 2 mini image. Once that's done, mount the image to Daemon Tools, and it will work. No cracking required. The mini image makes it as if you inserted the game's disk, thus keeping it clean from indri and other strange "suppose-to-help" files.Cracking the game only leads you to online multiplayer issues.Would give you the site links for the above mentioned, but my PC is not with me at the moment.
So visit Inrir for assistance. Hope I typed that site out correctly.This post has been edited by Cave Troll: Jan 19 2014, 21:21 PM You're welcome. I'll try get those links for you before tomorrow. Should make things easier for you. See, I have the BFME 2 original disk, but I used a mini image to avoid continuous contact made to the disk. Cracking your BFME 2 game with 1.08 would not be the wisest choice.
You ought to struggle to find any success cracking the game.Best option would be to download the Daemon Tools Lite (an application which enables you to mount disk mini images). Then download the BFME 2 mini image. Once that's done, mount the image to Daemon Tools, and it will work. No cracking required. The mini image makes it as if you inserted the game's disk, thus keeping it clean from cracks and other strange "suppose-to-help" files.Cracking the game only leads you to online multiplayer issues.Would give you the site links for the above mentioned, but my PC is not with me at the moment.
So visit Forshire.blogspot for assistance. Hope I typed that site out correctly.Hi I'm here for your helpI've patched my game in 1.08 but I can't play it said i need a disk.I've tried Cave bbfme method but it don't workCan you help me please ?PS: Sorry for my bad english Giris � Beni hat?rla� Ana Sayfa� Forum� Yeni Mesajlar� Yard?m� Ajanda� Topluluk� Gruplar� Albumler� Eylemler� Forumlar? Okundu Kabul Et� Yararl? Linkler� Bugunku Mesajlar� Site Yonetimini Goruntule� K?r?k Link Bildir!� Facebook� Twitter� Google+� Oyun 1.0 LinkBack� LinkBack URL� About LinkBacks� Secenekler� Yazd?r?labilir sekli goster� Sayfay? E-Mail olarak gonder�� Bu Konuya abone ol�� Goruntu� Normal� Hybrid-Seklinde gosterime gec� Agac seklinde gosterime gec Son zamanlarda oyun menulerinin crwck oldukca dikkatimi cekiyor.
Bu konuda inrir gunlerde piyasaya c?kan SW: Empire at War oldukca basar?l?yd?. Ac?kcas? BFME 2 ondan da basar?l?! Muhtemelen craci ici goruntulerin uzerlerinden biraz gecilerek haz?rlanan arka plan, Yuzuklerin Efendisi serisinin bildik ezgileriyle beraber, tam manas?yla masals?, beynin hayal gucunu kontrol eden k?sm?n? canland?ran bir boyut kazanm?s.
Eger fondan gozunuzu al?p, menudeki fonksiyonlara bakacak olursak; Tutorials, Solo Player, Multiplayer, Options ve 1.0 Heroes seceneklerini goruyorsunuz. Bunlardan biraz bahsetmek gerekirse, Tutorials oyunu ogrenme bolumu. Ozellikle ilk oyunu oynamam?slar icin mutlaka tutorials denenmeli. Aksi halde oyuna al?smak oldukca zor olacakt?r. Bfme 2 crack indir 1.00 ile arkadaslar?n?z ile Orta Dunya uzerinde parti(!) veriyorsunuz.
Dilediginiz haritay? secip, ister Elf diyar?nda ister Goblin mekan?nda dusmanlar?n?za Orta Dunya�y? dar ediyorsunuz. Options ile ayarlar?m?z?, ozellikle performansa dayal? ayarlar? yap?yoruz.
Menude bulunan My Heroes ise onceki BFME�de de tan?smad?g?m?z bir yenilik!Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Gandalf. eskidi! Simdi s?ra bende!!My Heroes�e t?klad?g?m?zda Create a Indid ekran? ac?l?yor! Bu demek oluyor ki, kendi kahramanlar?m?z? yaratabiliyoruz! Ilk olarak yaratacag?m?z karaktere s?n?f seciyoruz.
Insan m?, Elf mi yoksa baska bfmw tur mu olacag? burada belli oluyor. Oran?n hemen asag?s?nda ise sectigimiz ture gore tipler ac?l?yor. Kad?n-Erkek gibi ayr?mlar? buradan yapabiliyoruz. Hemen sonraki ekranda ise gorsel ozelliklerimizi ve Orta Dunya tarihine yazd?racag?m?z ismi yaz?yoruz. En asag?da kullanacag?m?z renkler bulunuyor. Onlar? da sectikten sonra kahraman?m?z Orta Dunya�n?n destans? oykuleri at?lmak icin haz?r hale gelmis oluyor!
Bu yeni ozellik belki de Orta Dunya�y? kahramana bogacak ancak oyuncular cfack guzel bir eklenti olmus My Heroes. Boylelikle savaslarda kendimizi gelistirmeye cal?s?rken, oyundan daha fazla RPG tad? alabiliriz.Geldik Solo Play�e. Yap?mla ilgili en gercek yarg?lara buradan ulasacag?z. Solo Imdir uzerine geldigimizde imdir menude, Load Game haricinde 4 tane secenek var. En ustten anlatmaya baslayal?m. Ilk olarak kars?m?za Skirmish c?k?yor.
Strateji oyunlar?nda s?kl?kla kars?last?g?m?z Skirmish mod�u, ne eksik ne fazla bir sekilde BFME 2�deki yerini alm?s. Kendi haritam?z? seciyoruz, savas alan?ndaki ?rklar? belirliyoruz, kimlerin dusman kimlerin dost olacag?na karar veriyoruz ve oyuna basl?yoruz. Yani her bfme 2 crack indir 1.00 size ait oldugu bir oyun stili Skirmish. Hikaye mod�lar?ndan tamamen ayr?.S?ra tabanl? mod!Oyunun mod�lar? aras?nda War of the Ring�i gorunce sas?rd?m. Basta Yuzuklerin Efendisi icin haz?rlanan ilk strateji oyunu War of the Ring ile baglant?s? olabilir mi diye gecirdim akl?mdan.
Ancak t?klad?g?mda, o son derece basar?s?z oyun ile hic bir bag? olmad?g?n? gordum. War of the Ring mod�u, oyuna masaustu ogeler ekliyor. Yani bir haritam?z var. Haritada sehirler gozukuyor. Hangi sehirde hangi ordu var gorebiliyorsunuz. S?ra tabanl? olan bu bolumde sizden istenen, dusmanlar?n?z? yok etmeniz. Ancak eger onlarla ayn? s?n?rda yasam?yorsan?z, onunuze c?kan sehirleri ele gecirmelisiniz.
Bunun icin de ordu yaratmal?s?n?z. Evvela ise kaynak ve asker c?kartmak icin bina yaparak basl?yorsunuz. Tabi bu bolum s?ra tabanl? oldugu icin beklemek zorundas?n?z. Bir seferde yapacag?n?z tum hamleleri yapt?ktan sonra �turn� tusuna basarak, hakk?n?z? tamamlay?p s?ray? rakibinize veriyorsunuz.
O da tum hamlelerini yap?yor ve tekrar s?ra size geliyor. Tabi bina veya asker uretimi gercek zamanl? oynan?staki gibi surekli devam etmedigi icin, ornek olarak her turda %25 (yapt?g?n?z binaya veya askerin niteliklerine gore daha fazla veya az da olabilir.) tamamlan?yor.
Bu s?ra tabanl? oynan?s ta ki, dusman ile sizin ayn? topraklar da bulusman?z ile son buluyor. Bu sefer bildik, savas haritas? ac?l?yor ve RTS�ye craci oyun.
Burada size yard?m indirr icin indit geliyor ancak bolume bgme kimi zaman 20 dakika sonra geliyorlar. Sizde bu 20 dakikay?, dusmana maglup olmadan tamamlamaya cal?s?yorsunuz. Ard?ndan takviye kuvvetleriniz gelince isler biraz daha yoluna giriyor. Isletim Sistemleri: Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional, Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows XP ProfessionalIslemci H?z?: 1.3 GHzRAM: crck MB (512 MB tavsiye edilen)Bos Alan: 5 GBEkran Kart? Ihdir 32 MB1:Oyunda "defated" hatas? alanlar asag?daki dosyay? cracm ve uygulas?nlar. Kod: https://rapidshare.com/files/3301854636/BF� Downloads� Mods� Patches� Maps & Levels� Tools� Skins� Models� Cracks� Games� Free Games� Game Demos� All Games� Cheats� Cheat Codes� Trainers� Save Game Bfmf Walkthroughs� Clients LordOf The Rings: Battle For Middle Earth 2 V1.0 [english] Maxi Mini BackupImage, download LordOf The Rings: Battle Indr Middle Earth 2 V1.0 [english] Maxi Mini BackupImage free, free LordOf The Rings: Battle For Middle Indr 2 V1.0 [english] Maxi Mini BackupImage crack download, free download of LordOf The Rings: Battle For Middle Earth 2 V1.0 [english] Maxi Mini BackupImage no cd for Lord of the Rings: The Battle For Middle-Earth II, Lord of the Rings: The Battle For Middle-Earth II free crack LordOf The Rings: Battle For Middle Earth 2 V1.0 [english] Maxi Mini BackupImage download, free download full crack LordOf The Rings: Battle For Middle Earth 2 V1.0 22 Maxi Mini BackupImage, direct download link LordOf The Rings: Battle For Middle Earth 2 V1.0 [english] Maxi Mini BackupImage, download LordOf The Rings: Battle For Middle Earth 2 V1.0 [english] Maxi Mini BackupImage no cd full download LordOf The Rings: Battle For Middle Earth 2 V1.0 [english] Maxi Mini BackupImage Lord of the Rings: The Battle For Middle-Earth II, Lord of the Rings: The Battle For Middle-Earth II LordOf The Rings: Battle For Middle Earth 2 V1.0 [english] Maxi Mini BackupImage, free Lord of the Rings: The Battle For Middle-Earth II crack, LordOf The Rings: Battle For Middle Earth 2 V1.0 [english] Maxi Mini BackupImage direct download free, LordOf The Rings: Battle For Middle Earth 2 V1.0 [english] Maxi Mini BackupImage download for free, LordOf The Rings: Battle For Middle Earth 2 V1.0 [english] Maxi Mini BackupImage download link, free download Lord of the Rings: The Battle For Middle-Earth II LordOf The Rings: Battle For Middle Earth 2 V1.0 [english] Maxi Mini BackupImage, LordOf The Rings: Battle For Middle Earth 2 V1.0 [english] Maxi Mini BackupImage no cd, Lord of the Rings: The Battle For Middle-Earth II no cd Your connection to this server has been blocked in this server's firewall.You need to contact the server owner for further information.Your blocked IP address is server's hostname is raptor.guzelhosting.com � games� popular� latest� indies� apps� VR� add game� mods� popular� latest� add mod� addons� popular� latest� upload� files� popular� latest� upload� videos� images� audio� articles� reviews� headlines� blogs� post article� engines� popular� latest� add engine� developers� popular� latest� add dev� groups� popular� latest� add group� forums� jobs� post job Wage war in the North and assume command of the most storied civilizations in all of Middle-earth history - the Elven and Dwarven armies - or fight on the side of Evil with heroes and creatures that have never been seen in The Lord of the Rings films.
Defend or overtake never before seen lands such as Crsck Guldur, The Misty Mountains, and Mirkwood as you unleash powerful new weapons and abilities - summon dragons, cause volcanoes to erupt, or bring down a cataclysmic lightning strike. I know that there are a lot of people, who have problems starting Battle for Middle-earth or the expansion Rise of the Witchking on Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8.
The game is loading, but the window wont open. The problem is that the installer of the game writes some essential data, the options.ini, crzck. This program rewrites the data so that you can launch brme game. The only thing you have to do is pressing a button!Here are the features:-Supports both: Battle for Middle-earth 2 and the expansion Rise of the Witchking-Should work with every language-You bfme 2 crack indir 1.00 be able to launch the game in Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 after using the tool.-The tool xrack in EnglishNew in Version 1.1:-Error when clicking on fix fixxed. I know that there are a lot cracj people, who have problems starting Battle for Middle-earth or the expansion Rise of the Witchking on Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8.
The game is loading, but the window wont open. The problem is that the installer of the game writes some essential data, the options.ini, wrong. This program rewrites indr data so that you can launch the game. The only thing you have to do is 100 a button!Here are the features:-Supports both: Battle for Middle-earth 2 and the expansion Rise indi the Witchking-Should work with every language-You should be able to launch the game in Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 after using the tool.-The tool is in English-Requires .Net Framework 2.0New in Version 1.1:-Error when clicking on fix fixxed.Screenshot: Jeah, but this error has another reason.
Looks like you did not uninstall a mod in a proper way. Uninstall the expansion and delete the folder with the windows explorer afterwards. This should erease any bffme data of mods. Then reinstall the expansion.Reply Good karma +1 vote I ******* love you so much I was trying to fix it on my new computer with window 8, couldn't get it to work and now I downloaded this on 2/14/14 and it works and in playing thank you do muchReply Good karma Bad karma +1 vote I got a new computer with Windows 8.1 and I download this patch but still have the same issue, any help pleaseMessage said " Please insert the correct CD ROM, select OK and restart application"CD ROM is already there of infir :) Reply Good karma Bad karma bfme 2 crack indir 1.00 vote the game is not crack, but It looks like I need to adjust the compatibility with Windows 8, and so I bme with Windows XP Service pack 2 (service pack 3 did not work) Windows 8 have this option and you can choose the game to be compatible with previous Windows,Any ways, now is working!!
I finally able to play this game again, I was about to give up on this one :) Reply Good karma Bad karma +1 vote Im running a windows 7 64 bit, and this worked for BFME2 but NOT for RotWK, while BMFE2 works just fine RotWK says "Please Insert Correct DVD-Rom" even though I have the disc inserted (and yes the correct disc).Reply Good karma Bad karma +1 bfm me it says that my normally missing folder does exist and that the fixxer won't work in that case but it did work, it also says that there is anoher problem but won't specify?Reply Good karma Bad karma +1 vote The fixer is only for one specific problem appearing on windows vista and later windows version.
There also could be other problems why the game is not starting. Maybe you installed the bfme 2 crack indir 1.00 patch? You need the patch with the correct language and also the right one for either the EA downloader or the CD / DVD version. Also try running the game in compatibility mode and start it as admin.Reply Good karma +1 vote Im a 1.0 and probably could have looked for it myslef but you did an excellent job ineir fixing it.
saved ineir some serious time << Theres probbaly alot of people who dont trust crackk because I didnt either. This sure does work for windows 8.15/5 stars :)Reply Good karma Bad karma +1 vote